Yanna Hormova

Yianna Hormova is an administrative scientist and public policy expert. Sheisa graduate of the National School of Public Administration and of the Schoolof Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Degreein Archeology and Art History). She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the National andKapodistrian University of Athens and a Master’s Degree in MuseumOrganization and Management from the University of Leicester. Mrs Hormova is a civil servant since 2010 and before her appointment asDeputy Governor of Public Employment Service (DYPA), she was SecretaryGeneral for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality (2021-2022)and Head of Office of the Deputy Minister of Digital Governance (2019-2021). From 2014 to 2019 Mrs Hormova was Secretary General at the Municipality ofKarpenisi. She was a Parliamentary Associate to a member of the GreekParliament for five years (2002-2007) and an associate to the SecretaryGeneral for Gender Equality during 2009. Mrs Hormova speaks English and Italian and she has published studies andarticles in scientific journals. She is married and a mother of two